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Uvod v poetiko Anne A. Ahmatove

Author: Neža Zajc
Year: 2015

The monography (' The Introduction to the Poetics of Anna A. Akhmatova ') on the poetry of Anna Andreevna Akhmatova through comprehensive treatment of the author's life accents those landmark moments that have influenced on the development of poetic creativity. Biographical framework is merely a means to elaborately capture the poetic opus. The research of the poetry of A. A. Akhmatova, provided in this monography, is based on the historical sources (biographical, memoir, author's original manuscripts). The decisive conclusions regarding the specific characteristics of poetry of Anna A. Ahmatova arose on the basis of the study of manuscript materials. Introduction to the poetics of this maybe the greatest Russian poetess is thus genuinely becoming an essential part of revealing the historic mural on the literary and artistic intelligence of the Russian culture in the first half of the 20th century. In addition, in the book are considered mostly all author's lyrics and poems, some of them have been translated into Slovene for the first time.

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Anna A. Ahmatova; Recenzije, Demokracija 36/XX, 3. 9. 2015

Regular price
17.00 €

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20th century
Ahmatova, Anna Andreevna
literary studies
Russian literature
Russian poetry
Russian poets
translations into Slovenian


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