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Martin Grum

Specialist Staff

+386 1 47 06 295

  • bibliography (bibliographies of researchers in the information system SICRIS, personal bibliographies of poets, writers, researchers, etc., subject bibliographies, bibliographical aids)
  • biography and lexicography
  • archival biographical sources, documentation (archives of the Slovenian Biographical Lexicon)
  • Slovenian bio-bibliographical database and Slovenian biographical juncture

GRUM, Martin. Slovenski biografski leksikon: od Zadružne gospodarske banke do Slovenskei akademije znanosti in umetnosti. V: FABJANČIČ, Marija (ur.), MERHAR, Dušan (ur.), SAMEC, Drago (ur.), KOMAN, Dušan (ur.). Sedemdeset let Biblioteke Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, (Biblioteka, 13). Ljubljana: SAZU, 2008, str. 271-280. [COBISS.SI-ID 28529453]

GRUM, Martin. Modrov zbornik : 23. prevajalski zbornik : bio-bibliografije članov DSKP : izbrani biografski podatki in izbirne bibliografije prevodov, (Zbornik Društva slovenskih književnih prevajalcev, 23). Ljubljana: Društvo slovenskih književnih prevajalcev, 1998. 238 str. ISBN 961-90386-3-0. [COBISS.SI-ID 79941632]

GRUM, Martin (ur.). Slovenski prevajalski leksikon 1550–1945. Ljubljana: Društvo slovenskih književnih prevajalcev: Inštitut za kulturno zgodovino ZRC SAZU, 2007-. Zv. <1>. ISBN 978-961-6515-04-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 236920320]

GRUM, Martin. Prevodi v Slovenski bibliografiji : I. del, Knjige: (1550-1900). V: Simoničev zbornik : gradivo s simpozija v Ivanjkovcih, (Zora, 10). Maribor: Slavistično društvo, 1999, str. 95-101. [COBISS.SI-ID 9038856]

received the title Professor of History (major) at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

employed at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

received the title Professor of Slovenian Language and Literature (major) at the Department of Slovenian Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

employed at the National University Library, Ljubljana

employed at the Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies ZRC SAZU, Section for Biography, Bibliography and Documentation

employed at the Institute of Biography and Bibliography ZRC SAZU

Independent Humanities Specialist

employed at the Institute of Cultural History ZRC SAZU

Research areas
Documentation, information, library science, archivistics H100

