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Pogled od zunaj na slovenski jezik, prostor in kulturo. V zgodovinski perspektivi.

Edited by: Neža Zajc
Year: 2017

This book ('A View from the Outside on Slovenian Language, Territory and Culture – in Historical Perspective') is a series of scientific contributions describing research careers of foreign scholars (with biographical sketches), who dedicated a part of their research to the Slovenian territory. Interesting destinies, ranging from linguists to musicians, theologians, church dignitaries, politicians, archaeologists, philosophers and artists, will raise interest not only with their attention for geographical and cultural particularities of Slovenia, but particularly with research accomplishments, that came to be in contact with Slovenian lands. This collection of papers addresses the unique position of Slovenia in the international scientific production, thus underlining the irreplaceable quality of the Slovenian historical landscape; it was the exceptional Slovenian culture and spiritual dimension, which attracted the attention of the foreign personalities represented in the book.

Table of content

Neža Zajc: Predgovor

Gregorij Alasia da Sommaripa (1578–1626), Metka Furlan
Gisper Cuper (1644 –1716), Gregor Pobežin
Auguste-Frédéric Marmont (1774 –1852), Igor Grdina
Izmail Ivanovič Sreznjevski (1812–1880), Neža Zajc
Theodor Christian Matthias Mommsen (1817 – 1903), Gregor Pobežin
Adelma von Vay (1840–1925), Jan Ciglenečki
Jan Niecisław Baudouin de Courtenay (1845–1929), Karmen Kenda-Jež
Jevgenija Eduardovna Linjova (1853–1919), Neža Zajc
Oskar von Pistor (1865–1928), Mateja Ratej
Anton Chráska (1868–1953), Irena Avsenik Nabergoj
Elisaveta Bagrjana (1893–1991), Neža Zajc
Joseph Marx (1882–1964), Igor Grdina
Roman Osipovič Jakobson (1896–1982), Neža Zajc
Paul Parin (1916– 2009), Oto Luthar
Marco Pozzeto (1925–2006), Petra Testen

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collective volume
cultural history
Slovene language
Slovenian culture
Slovenian literature


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