Library of the Institute of cultural history
The library is shared by the Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies (ISLLV) and the Institute of Cultural History (IKZ), and operates within the framework of the SAZU Library. Library materials are processed at the SAZU Library and lending services are provided in the central area of the library at ISLLV. The library is primarily intended for the researchers of ZRC SAZU institutes, but it is also open to public. This holds especially for materials that are not available in general and other specialised libraries.
The library holdings comprise 35,000 units (mostly monographs, volumes of periodicals and special prints, some CD-ROMs as well as audio- and videocassettes). Forming a special part of the library holdings that is considered particularly valuable is the complete library of the playwright, critic and essayist Adolf Robida as well as parts of the libraries of the writer and politician Ivan Tavčar and the historian France Kidrič. The library also keeps an almost complete selection of older Slovenian periodicals and an extensive selection of older Slovenian literary production (including a few prints dating back to the 16th and the 18th centuries). Contemporary works that occupy most of the library’s shelves are Slovenian and foreign monographs as well as periodicals in the field of literary history and theory, cultural history, history, and local studies. Annual library holdings increase by about 350 units annually.
Since the lending services are still not entirely supported by COBISS – until the end of 2012, only slightly less than one half of the entire library holdings were included in the COBIB database – classical methods are still used to check the availability of requested materials.
Lending hours: Monday to Friday, from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.
Librarians: Dr. Alenka Koron (ISSLV), Martin Grum (IKZ)
Phone: +386 (0)1 47 06 302